Winsights Blog

Use Open Source to Secure Your IoT OS

November 9, 2021
Free Webinar - Don't Miss this Free Webinar: Use Open Source to Secure Your IoT OS

Don’t miss this Free Webinar: Use Open Source to Secure Your IoT OS Tuesday, November 9th @ 3:30 EST Hosted by OpenSystems Media and BG Networks Over 80% of IoT devices ship without authentication or encryption, leaving embedded systems open to significant risks. When hackers find one of these devices, the consequences can be catastrophic…. Read More »

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Improve Time to Market for Industrial Edge Devices with Qt and WINSYSTEMS

November 2, 2021
On demand webinar-Improve Time to Market for Industrial Edge Devies with Qt and WINSYSTEMS

  Thank you for your interest in our webinar ‘Improve Time to Market for Industrial Edge Devices with Qt and WINSYSTEMS‘. In case you missed it, please click to view the recording and presentation slides below: Watch on-demand recording Presentation slides We hope you enjoyed the tips on the first steps towards getting started on… Read More »

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Industrial IoT Partners: The Rail Advantage

October 12, 2021
ClearBlade and WINSYSTEMS offer in-depth domain experience to deliver highly reliable rail solutions

Internet of Things (IoT) providers are pervasive in today’s connected world, though few have the experience and industry knowledge required to enable critical infrastructure such as rail transportation. These industries are savvy to the hype of one-stop-shop IoT companies claiming to do it all and recognize the need to find proven partners that understand the… Read More »

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Improve Time to Market for Industrial Edge Devices and Embedded Systems

October 4, 2021
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Free Live Webinar  |  October 28, 2021  |  10 am PDT / 7 pm CEST Qt and WINSYSTEMS have collaborated to provide an out-of-box experience on industrial-grade embedded computing platforms that will have you developing code in minutes. You will learn the advantages of developing with Qt for industrial applications to minimize development time and… Read More »

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Design Criteria to Improve Cybersecurity in Industrial Embedded Systems

September 14, 2021
Increased Cybersecurity of Industrial Embedded Systems

IoT devices and networks are proliferating at an amazingly rapid pace fuelled by post-COVID’s economic recovery and capital investment. However, this proliferation is expanding the threat surface, and exposing the edge of our networks to a significantly greater risk of cyberattack. As the popularity of the IoT increases, a growing number of critical infrastructure and… Read More »

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Adaptable Gateways Give IIoT the Edge It Needs

August 25, 2021
Abstract image of industrial plant and IIoT data transmission

The evolution of the IoT means that increasing amounts of data are processed at the Edge before being transferred to the Cloud. There are many advantages to this, not least that it reduces the bandwidth requirements for Cloud computing. Edge sensors gather data to sense the physical environment. This can be in many and varied… Read More »

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Demystifying Cloud Computing

August 20, 2021
Abstract image depicting Cloud computing

Cloud and Cloud Computing are common terms, but they are ethereal. What exactly is “the Cloud”? What benefits does it offer? This blog explores why the Cloud has become an important part of the industrial landscape. The origins of the term ‘the Cloud’ to describe servers that are accessed over the internet is shrouded in… Read More »

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Edge Computing – Starting Point of Industrial IoT

July 29, 2021
Abstract image depicting Edge Computing mesh network

As the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) increases, Edge Computing systems are demanding more performance and specific processing capabilities in industrial settings. This places intensifying demands on industrial computing systems that need to deliver time-critical decisions. The addition of video or other AI/ML algorithms means images and sensor input is processed… Read More »

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