Winsights Blog

AI and Machine Learning Beyond the Bleeding Edge

May 2, 2019
WINSights Blog

By George T Hilliard You already know that artificial intelligence (AI) is the “next big thing” in the tech world. Leading semiconductor and software companies are pushing the boundaries with high-performance AI algorithms and signal processing techniques that, they hope, will solve some of the most complex tasks ever presented to electronic devices. Most of… Read More »

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Maximize Your Multicore-Based System

April 16, 2019
WinSystems WinSights

By George T Hilliard Multicore processors have been around for quite some time, dating back about 15 years for the mainstream-type devices that are fairly common today. They started as dual cores then went to quad cores. Now, you can find microprocessors containing hundreds or even thousands of “processors cores” in the same piece of… Read More »

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April 15, 2019

WINSYSTEMS will be exhibiting at the AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2019 Exhibition and Conference. April 30-May 2, 2019 McCormick Place | Chicago, IL Join 8,500 technologists, regulators, and users across commercial and defense sectors for the largest, most comprehensive trade show for unmanned and autonomous systems. Be sure to drop by and visit us at booth #1441…. Read More »

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Choosing The Right SBC for Your Application

April 15, 2019
WinSystems WinSights

Selecting the right single board computer (SBC) for your application is just that; it’s not selecting the board that the vendor thinks is best for you because he’s got extra inventory or just got a new developer that needs the work. It’s finding the board with the right peripheral mix, the right OS choices, and… Read More »

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Arm or x86? Future-Proofing Industrial SBC Design-Ins, Part 2

April 15, 2019
WinSights Blogs

By George T. Hilliard   In my last blog, Arm or x86? Future-Proofing Your Industrial SBC Figures Prominently, Part 1, I looked at the first two of four considerations when determining whether your path toward an industrial single-board computer (SBC) should guide you towards the Intel x86 camp or toward an Arm-based processor. There, I… Read More »

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PC104 Permits Embedded Infrastructure Migration

April 15, 2019
WinSights Blogs

By George T. Hilliard Processor technology advances at breakneck speed, with new devices coming every 12 to 24 months. Bus standards aren’t moving quite as quickly, but they’re no slouch either. With (relatively) slower moving applications like MIL/COTS, medical, and industrial and their five to seven-year lifecycles, the pace of these upgrades can spell rapid… Read More »

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Your Options for Securing Industrial IoT Assets

April 11, 2019
WinSystems WinSights

Some industries caught on to the need for security before others, like those in the mission-critical space and those that potentially protect lives or money. But widespread adoption has not occurred. And it seems like hacking has almost become a sport for the bad guys. As we move forward, the amount of critical data that’s… Read More »

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The Proof is in the Pudding: Sometimes Custom Just Works

March 22, 2019
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In Part 1 of this two-part blog, COTS, Custom, or Something In-Between: Balancing Cost, Time to Market, and Value Add, we looked at the differences between commercial off-the-shelf (COTS), custom, and semi-custom designs. In other words, do I buy existing hardware, have the vendor design something that’s specific to my needs, or is there something in between?… Read More »

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